Isn't it amazing what little bargains you can still find in charity shops. Normally some of them have e-bay accounts, and savvy manages, who look up what something is worth, what condition it is in before they set a price. I find it quite amazing really, because what is given is given freely, being a charity they get cheap rent and rates, they should pass on they lucky finds to their customer. Unfortunately everything is about making as much money as possible, so a lot of charity shops look just like normal shops with everything itemized together, and some even colour coded, even the prices, are not much cheaper. However you can still find bargains. I went into one shop that had all the items nicely displayed, and in the windows items laid out to buy, at the front of the window was a violin for £24 not bad, but on top of it where a load of little bits and bobs for 50p or so. Surely if you want someone to pay £24 for something it should have pride of place in the window, hanging or free standing, but clear of other items. The bargains however are still there to be had so have a little roam around town and go and have a rummage, who knows what you will find.
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